Bucket Map

App Development


Bucket Map is an app that allows travelers to unlock countries on the world map that they have traveled to. Within the visited countries, places, hotels, beaches, clubs, etc. can be saved with pins. On the one hand, Bucket Map serves as a bucket list, but also as a reminder of the places visited.

The app was developed with Flutter. Flutter can be used to develop iOS and Android apps with one codebase. The map for the app was created and integrated with mapbox. Users can also log in to the app, which has the advantage of saving pins and unlocked countries. User management and data storage was realized with Google Firebase.

My Role

My task was to implement user authentication and to set up the connection to Google Firebase so that users can register and log in to the app. Another task was the design of the map in Mapbox Studio, as well as its integration with Flutter. In addition, I assisted with user management and the creation of the app settings.


  • Backend with Google firebase
  • Map with mapbox
  • iOS and Android App with one Flutter codebase


March 2021 - July 2021