Escapers Part 2

VR and UX Research


For the ITFS Festival 2022 in Stuttgart, Escapers was upgraded to an immersive virtual reality game. Escapers is an escape room game in which the player has to solve various puzzles to find out several number combinations in order to open locked doors in a mysterious building.

One challenge in the project was to find a suitable locomotion technique for the players in VR, who have limited space in their real environment. Based on scientific research, teleportation was implemented as a locomotion technique. To validate the suitability, a user study was conducted with 15 players testing Escapers in VR using an Oculus Rift. The study results were summarized in a paper linked below.

My Role

I was responsible for the integration of OpenXR and the OpenXR Toolkit, as well as the virtual representation of the player's hands. Furthermore, I designed a suitable user interface in Figma, implemented it in Unity and conducted a user study. The project was realized with one fellow student.


  • Public exhibition at ITFS 2022
  • User study with 15 players
  • Scientific paper


March 2022 - August 2022