Google Material Design 3 Meets Figma

UI Design


I was invited by a professor to give a guest lecture for the bachelor module Mobile Interaction Design. The focus of the lecture was the introduction to Material Design 3 from Google and related topics like personalization, colors, typography and icons. The topics were combined with practical tutorials in Figma.

The lecture was held in front of more than 50 students on two dates in June 2022 at the Stuttgart Media University. Afterwards, the lecture was recorded for upcoming semesters. The online recording can be viewed in the slideshow above and the lecture slides on the button below.

My Role

I was fully responsible for giving the lecture and tutorials. I designed and created the concept, the lecture slides and the Figma tutorials from scratch.


  • Bachelor lecture about Material Design 3
  • Figma tutorial


May 2022 - June 2022