Augmented Fusion

UX Design and Research


The immersive entertainment experience Augmented Fusion helps passengers of autonomous vehicles escape from stressful traffic and immerse themselves in virtual worlds (e.g a beach or a music festival). The experience is designed to stimulate passengers in a multi-sensory way and is realized through window displays, surround sound and haptic feedback. Autonomous vehicles? Immersive in-car entertainment?...

Of course, this is only a vision or rather a prototype resulting from a research cooperation between the Stuttgart Media University and the Mercedes-Benz Group. The goal of the team, consisting of eight students, was to develop an experience and interaction concept for the vehicle of the future.

The research cooperation deals with the question how new forms of interaction could be created for future experiences. To navigate within the experience and to transition between reality and virtuality, a conventional explicit form of interaction and a novel implicit form of interaction was implemented. The explicit interaction uses a smartphone app and the implicit one detects the passengers' points of interest via eye tracking. The two forms of interaction were tested and compared by subjects in a seating box as part of a user study. See the result in the paper linked below...

My Role

My main task was the conceptual design of the explicit and implicit interaction form. I was also responsible for the preparation of the user tests, the development of questionnaires, the implementation and evaluation of the study. Due to my advanced knowledge in user experience design, I managed the project team and coached and supported it in working with the user-centered design.


  • Immersive entertainment concept
  • Implementation of a prototype
  • User study with 7 subjects
  • Scientific paper


October 2021 - March 2022