Transitioning - Explore the Forest of Calm

UX Design and VR Development


What is the Transitioning Project?

The Transitioning project series investigates what needs arise in passengers and how a positive user experience can be achieved when virtual reality experiences are integrated into vehicles. Since passengers want to be aware of some stimuli or disruptions (e.g. phone call, emergency situation) in VR while traveling, the project explores which stimuli are relevant and how they can be integrated into virtuality without destroying the immersion. We distinguish between explicit and implicit representations. The explicit ones are implemented by pop-ups and are easy to understand, but overlay the VR world. The implicit ones are implemented by metaphorical objects and are less disturbing to the immersion, but are also more difficult to understand. The aim is to find out which type of representation is better suited for in car VR in which situation. If you want to know more about the project click here to visit the first iteration.

What happend in this project iteration?

In the 2nd iteration of the project, the new VR scenario forest of calm was created. It was implemented as a VR prototype in Unity as well as a 2D prototype in Figma. In the prototype, the passenger floats over a river that flows through the forest of calm. The goal of the passenger is to relax and find peace in the virtual world. The existing Space Invaders scenario has also been further improved.

In a quantitative online study, a total of 600 subjects evaluated the 2D prototype and gameplay videos of the 3D prototype of both scenarios. In line with the research question, subjects were asked to evaluate which influences are important in VR and whether they prefer an explicit or implicit representation.

My Role

I was responsible for creating the 2D prototype in Figma and the 3D prototype in Unity. After recording the gameplay videos, I developed a user journey to introduce the study subjects to the in-car VR experience. Besides that, I assisted with the development of the questionnaires and the evaluation of the study.


  • Figma 2D prototype
  • Unity 3D prototype
  • Quantitative online user study with 600 subjects


October 2021 - Dezember 2021